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Why Grady?



“I never wanted to be the biggest...I wanted to be the best!”—Eddie Smith
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Established in 1959 in Greenville, North Carolina, Grady-White has earned a legendary reputation for building ruggedly elegant coastal fishing boats, developing great craftsmen, and nurturing strong customer relationships. Since buying the company in 1968, Eddie Smith has set the bar high for the Grady-White team to achieve uncompromising quality through exceptional attention to detail. Today this results in a company that embodies integrity, pride in work well done, and care for customer and community. This is a part of every boat we build.


These principles, and hard work, have built an unrivaled record of superior quality, reliability, safety, performance, and long-lasting value.


Grady-White’s secret to success is listening to customers, then having engaged leadership and craftsmen incorporate new ideas into features and products that truly enhance function and enjoyment. This intense focus on customers and the team’s exceptional attention to detail are fundamental to the impassioned leadership of Kris Carroll, a Grady-White team member since 1975, making her Eddie’s natural choice as president in 1993. Notably, she was the first woman president of a major boat company, and remains one of the few in the industry today.


Because Eddie Smith has always respected the environment and understands that outdoor recreation is a great gift to be protected for the future, Grady-White upholds these values and the company continues to be a steadfast advocate for and contributor to fisheries conservation, education, and waterways management. Grady-White is proud to invest in enriching the lives of many people—our customers, employees, suppliers and our community—through our boats, our time, our resources, our passion for learning, and, most of all, our hearts. This is who we are, yesterday, today and tomorrow. We invite you to learn more about us and the boats we build.