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Five Time Grady Owner Attests to the Rugged Durability of Grady-White Boats
Dan Hahn began boating as a young boy on Grand Lake, Colorado, where his family was in the lake cabin rental business on the historic Grand Lake. Colorado’s largest natural lake at the headwaters of the Colorado River. He loved being on the water so much that each year he’d start water skiing in the spring as soon as the ice melted and continue every day until it started forming again in the fall. When his parents retired to Pine Island, Florida in 1970 he was excited for the opportunity to visit and spend time boating during the winter months. Today, he and Donna split their time between Colorado and Florida and enjoy boating on their Grady-Whites with their three daughters, three sons-in-law, and four grandchildren, who come for extended visits as often as they are able.
Dan and Donna purchased their first Grady-White, a 306 Bimini, in 2007. Dan had researched numerous boat brands and found the quality of Grady-White boats to be far superior to the other brands he was considering. Plus, the layout was perfect for all they wanted to do. Just as they anticipated, this boat served them well, and ten years later, after more than a thousand hours of inshore and offshore fishing and spending time on the water with his family, Dan and Donna were ready for a new Grady. Dan asked Ray Jahn from Fish Tale Boats to come take a look at the boat to discuss trading it for a new Canyon 336. “I’d taken great care of the boat,” Dan recalls. “That, paired with the fact that it was a well-built quality boat from the start, meant it looked practically brand new. Ray took one step on the boat, surveyed the deck and said, ‘Looks great!’. One look was all it took to know it was well taken care of and would make an excellent boat for someone in the market for a used 306.” Like every well-cared-for Grady-White, Dan received great trade-in value for his boat and was soon enjoying the new 336 center console.
A few years later Dan and Donna purchased a new 251 Coastal Explorer. That proved to be the perfect boat for them to explore the local waterways and beaches and for Dan to take friends inshore and offshore fishing. With the 251 and the 336, Dan had the flexibility to go anywhere the fish were biting. Both boats were also perfect for family time at the local beaches. “When our family comes to visit, we love to go to one of the secluded beaches by boat,” Donna says. “Sometimes we’re the last ones to leave, staying all day and even cooking dinner there before heading home at dusk.” Having the two boats gives them lots of adventure options and space aboard.
Because Dan’s time in Florida is limited, he’s happy to have a solid boat that allows him to fish in all conditions. “While I don’t take crazy chances, I feel comfortable going out when there’s the possibility of storms,” Dan says. “I’ve been out in six-to-eight footers and the boat performs flawlessly.” He goes on to explain that he thinks Gradys perform at their best in less-than-optimal conditions. “I’ve been on other brand boats that lose their performance when the water gets rough,” he says. “Not the Grady. Somehow, they plane better when it’s rough, so instead of plowing through the waves like other brands, the Grady allows you to go faster, and that means getting back to the dock more quickly.”
Having been through some rough days on his Gradys, Dan deeply values how solidly they are built and also truly appreciates the many fine features that come standard on Grady-Whites. “When people come on my boat they always start asking, ‘Did you order this?’” Dan says. “I tell them, ‘This boat comes this way.’ They’re always amazed at the details and features that come standard on my Gradys.”
Through the years Dan has seen many tough conditions on the water but he has also experienced beautiful times when the water and weather were perfect. “One day I traveled with some friends to the renowned “Blue Hole” about 35 miles west of Pine Island,” he recalls. “The water was crystal clear that day and we started catching fish. You could see the amberjack, snapper, and tons of other fish swimming all around. It was like they were in a giant fishbowl.” That proved to be a great day for not only Dan’s boat, but for a fellow Grady-White. A Canyon 376 with a father and kids fishing pulled up and anchored right beside them. Together, they enjoyed an exceptional day of fishing and the camaraderie of being a Grady-White owner.
Today, Dan and Donna just purchased their second 336 and 251. What drove them to buy two new Gradys? Dan points to the new updates on the boats and engines and especially the superior quality craftsmanship he sees in every Grady he’s owned. He also credits Ray Jahn and the great people at Fish Tale Boats. “If you’re considering a new boat, I suggest you take a good look at all the things Grady does and compare it to any other brand you’re considering,” Dan says. “Then find an older model of each brand and compare how the boat has held up over time. All boats look good when they’re new – but it’s how they hold up over time that sets a Grady apart from every other boat on the market today!”